Petra van den Bos

I am an assistant professor in the Formal Methods and Tools group of the University of Twente. My current research focusses on software correctness and software quality in general, and on model-based testing specifically. I like working on theory (formal methods), that can be applied in practice as well. Previously, I had a postdoc position in the Formal Methods and Tools group of the University of Twente. Before that, I had a PhD position in the Software Science group of the Radboud University, where I completed my thesis "Coverage and Games in Model-Based Testing". Petra van den Bos


  • Robert Rubbens, Petra van den Bos and Marieke Huisman. VeyMont: Choreography-Based Generation of Correct Concurrent Programs with Shared Memory. Accepted at iFM 2024. Download preprint
  • Tannaz Zameni, Petra van den Bos, Arend Rensink, Jan Tretmans. An Intermediate Language to Integrate Behavior-Driven Development Scenarios and Model-Based Testing. VST 2024. Download preprint Download paper
  • Petra van den Bos, Marielle Stoelinga. With a little help from your friends: semi-cooperative games via Joker moves. FORTE 2023. Best Artefact award. Download paperDownload artefact
  • Tannaz Zameni, Petra van den Bos, Jan Tretmans, Johan Foederer, Arend Rensink. From BDD Scenarios to Test Case Generation. A-MOST 2023. Download paper
  • Humaid Mollah, Petra van den Bos. From User Stories to End-to-end Web Testing. INTUITESTBEDS 2023. Download paper
  • Simon Bliudze, Petra van den Bos, Marieke Huisman, Robert Rubbens, Larisa Safina. JavaBIP meets VerCors: Towards the Safety of Concurrent Software Systems in Java. FASE 2023. Download paper
  • Petra van den Bos, Sung-Shik Jongmans. VeyMont: Parallelising Verified Programs instead of Verifying Parallel Programs. FM 2023. Download preprint Download paperDownload artefact
  • I attended Dagstuhl Seminar Principles of Contract Languages. Download DagStuhl Report
  • Petra van den Bos, Marieke Huisman. The Integration of Testing and Program Verification - A Position Paper. Festschrift Frits Vaandrager. 2022 Download paper
  • Sung-Shik Jongmans, Petra van den Bos. A Predicate Transformer for Choreographies - Computing Preconditions in Choreographic Programming. ESOP 2022. Best Paper nomination. Download paper
  • Petra van den Bos, Frits Vaandrager. State Identification for Labeled Transition Systems with Inputs and Outputs (journal version). Science of Computer Programming. 2021. Download paper
  • Petra van den Bos. Coverage and Games in Model-Based Testing. PhD Thesis. 2020. Download Thesis Download defense slides
  • Petra van den Bos, Frits Vaandrager. State Identification for Labeled Transition Systems with Inputs and Outputs. FACS 2019. Best Paper Award. Download paper Download extended version from arXiv Download Slides
  • Petra van den Bos, Jan Tretmans. Coverage-Based Testing with Symbolic Transition Systems. TAP 2019. Download paper Download paper with proofs Download Slides
  • Petra van den Bos, Marielle Stoelinga. Tester versus Bug: A Generic Framework for Model-Based Testing via Games. GandALF 2018. Download paper Download proofs Download slides
  • Petra van den Bos, Ramon Janssen, Joshua Moerman. n-Complete Test Suites for IOCO (journal version). Software Quality Journal, Springer. 2018. Download paper
  • Petra van den Bos, Ramon Janssen, Joshua Moerman. n-Complete Test Suites for IOCO. ICTSS 2017. Download paper Download slides
  • Petra van den Bos, Rick Smetsers, Frits Vaandrager. Enhancing Automata Learning by Log-Based Metrics. iFM 2016. Download paper Download slides

Current teaching tasks

  • Master CS: Software Testing
  • Master CS: Industrial Software Engineering Project
  • Bachelor CS: Design in module Software Systems
  • Programme mentor for the Software Technology specialisation of the CS master


  • Email: p dot vandenbos at utwente dot nl
  • Office: Zilverling 3120